Valid within 6 months from return date / Signed Passport.
Broken lamination of the picture portion will not be accepted. / must have at least 2 blank pages left in the passport.
Visa Application Form (A4 size bond paper)
No omissions on the application forms.
In case there is a need to make correction on the application form, please refrain from using correction fluid. Instead, use a double line to erase/correct the wrong information.
1 Copy of 4.5cm x 4.5cm with white background.
Please attach only a clear photo as proof of the applicant's identity on the application form. Inappropriate photos: blurred photos that reflect on the camera lens, pixilated and significantly low resolution photos taken by digital cameras.
Birth Certificate
NSO issued with receipt and valid within 1 year
In case of non-record of registration of live birth additional requirements are as follows:
Non-Record in the NSO - Need certificate of Non-Record from the NSO with Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registrar.
Non-Record in the NSO and Local Civil Registrar - Need certificate of Non-Record from the NSO and the Local Civil Registrar.
If NSO issued record is not clear
Birth Certificate from the Local Civil Registrar.
If Birth Certificate is late-registration
Original Baptismal Certificate
School Record (Form137 orreport card)
School Year Book (if applicable)(Need contact # of the church, and contact # of the school) if you can't prepare these documents, please submitexplanation letter or affidavit.
Marriage Contract
(If Married) NSO issued and valid within 1 year
Applicants holding (old or valid) passports with used Japan Visa will be exempted from submitting of marriage contract.
In case of non-record, you must submit certificate of non-record together with the one from local civil registrar.
Tour Itinerary
Daily Schedule in Japan (Prepared by the applicant or the travel agency).
There should be no inconsistencies on the contents ofthe application forms and the accompanying documents.
Bank Balance Certificate
Income Tax Return
(Form 2316 or 1701) photocopy
Guarantee Letter
A4 size bond paper.
If a person other than the applicant will bear/shoulder the travel expenses, please be sure to submit a guarantee letter and passport or any proof of identification from guarantor.
For family group tours, we used to accept applications without requiring the parents to submit a guarantee letter for their child /children when they file their visa application together. However, to date, please submit a guarantee letter that includes and clearly specifies the relationship of the guarantor to the applicant at all times.